San Domenico di Varzo / Piemonte

San Domenico di Varzo Piemonte 1410-2479m

Via Marconi, 43 28842 Bognanco VB

Courtesy of Hoteledelweiss

Imfeld Binntal

Courtesy of Bergfotos

Webcam Binn

Courtesy of Binn Tourist Office


Courtesy of Campeggio Cistella

Weather report

Rain forecasted today. Temperature low 7 °C, high 13 °C. Wind Light breeze at 11km/h .

Weather today

Weather conditions ski area

Weather outlook

Weather conditions resort

Mountain weather

Mountain temperature at Pizzo Dosso 2479m 9 to 2°C. Freezing level at 2895 meters.

Snow days

days with snow depth (in %, 10-year avg)

050cm (39%)
100cm (29%)
150cm (29%)
200cm (27%)
250cm (26%)

Snow sure

Rank class based on 10yr average snow depth and temperature


Ski area

The ski area of San Domenico consists of 33.0 km of skiing slopes between 1420-2500m altitude. 57% is above 2000m. 45% is facing South.

There are 6.0 km of blue, 13.0 km of red, and 14.0 km of black slopes serviced by 7 lifts.

Ski map

Similar Snow-sure

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Tourist office