Greolieres les Neiges / Alpes Maritimes

Gréolières les Neiges Southern Alps 1401-1801m

Weather report

Rain forecasted today. Temperature low 4 °C, high 14 °C. Wind Gentle breeze at 10km/h .

Weather today

Weather conditions ski area

Weather outlook

Weather conditions resort

Mountain weather

Mountain temperature at 1801m 10 to 6°C. Freezing level at 2906 meters.

Snow forecast

5-day snow forecast

< 2cm

6cm settles on the upper slopes within 5 days

Snow days

days with snow depth (in %, 10-year avg)

050cm (7%)
100cm (1%)
150cm (1%)
200cm (1%)
250cm (1%)

Ski area

The ski area of Greolieres les Neiges consists of 31.0 km of skiing slopes between 1400-1800m altitude. 100% is above 1000m. 68% is facing North.

There are 8.0 km of blue, 17.0 km of red, and 6.0 km of black slopes serviced by 11 lifts.

Ski map


The ski region Greolieres les Neiges was voted an average of 5.8 by our visitors.


Greolieres est une petite station de larriere pays Nicois et a un micro climat favorable a de tres basses temperatures nocturnes, ce qui preserve une bonne neige malgre un large ensoleillement et pa..


Neighbouring (ski) resorts of Greolieres les Neiges:

Tourist office